Dialogue with Residents of Umm Al Fahm
This week we organised a special meeting of Jews and Arabs at the Arab Israeli town of Umm al-Fahm. We called this meeting “Jews and Arabs Speak Peace”
The meeting was held at the Umm al-Fahm Art Gallery.
We heard from a female Arab Israeli student who was suspected of being a terrorist during a bus journey. She spoke with tears in her eyes about the humiliation she suffered in front of dozens of passengers. Tag Meir activists sympathised with her and gave her a bouquet of flowers.
The participants talked about the feelings of fear of the other, which is what leads to racism and hatred.
We talked about the importance of getting to know people of all ages, of the silent majority who want to live in peace and tranquility, the various efforts to advance a common future, the minority that forces extremist discourse, and our powerful forces.
Thank you to the Tag Meir activists who participated, to the residents of Umm al-Fahm, to the art gallery about the hospitality, to Imam Sheikh Jamil Mahajna, to the head of the Ma’aleh Gilboa Yeshiva, Rabbi David Bigman, for the words of support, to the Deputy Mayor of Umm al-Fahm Hanna and MK Yusef Jabarin, who spoke of hope at the event.